How to manage Service Versioning challenges by service virtualization implementations

In my previous article I described few most notable service virtualization scenarios, their differences and benefits from the SOA Governance and APIs management perspective. In this article I will show how service virtualization concept in general and Sentinet product in particular, provide real benefits for the service and API versioning challenge. I will use the same service virtualization scenarios as before but this time applying virtualization concept to different service versions rather than different services. [Continue reading...]

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SOA Governance - Service Virtualization scenarios and their benefits

Service virtualization is the concept that allows services and APIs to be exposed through an intermediary (or broker) application similarly to how classical reverse proxies forward messages to applications behind them. The difference between “primitive” reverse proxies and service virtualization intermediaries in that the latter are loaded with the intelligence and knowledge of what services and APIs they are actually exposing. This intelligence is what makes virtualization intermediaries a powerful and non-intrusive software instrument in the real-life service brokerage scenarios. [Continue reading...]

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