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Sentinet API Developer Portal is a tool for API Consumers, or API Developers, who want to learn what APIs are offered by an API Provider organization and how to use these APIs. Sentinet administrators create and manage content for API Developer Portal using API Management Portal. Effectively, an API Developer Portal is a API marketplace with publicly or privately published APIs, and with added capabilities for API Developers to monitor, analyze and troubleshoot their usage of the provider’s APIs.
Sentinet API Developer Portal is a self-service web portal for developers to discover published APIs and to get access to their documentation, standard metadata documents (such as Swagger, OpenAPI or WSDL), code and message samples.
API Developers use API Developer Portal to self-manage their accounts, subscriptions and API Keys for the offered provider’s API Products.
Monitoring and business reports help API Developers to control their usage of APIs in real-time and through historical analytics.