To install Sentinet samples run the Sentinet installation package and select either Complete Setup Type, or Custom Setup Type with Samples installation feature enabled.
Samples are installed in the Samples sub-folder in the root of the Sentinet installation folder (default folder location is C:\Program Files\Nevatech\Sentinet\Samples). Root of the Samples folder contains Visual Studio solution file, Nevatech.Vsb.Samples.sln. The solution file includes twelve Visual Studio C# source code projects. Each Visual Studio project includes readme.txt file. Azure and Installation folders contain sample scripts. Below is a short description of sample projects and folders with sample scripts.
Folder | Description |
Automation | Sample C# project that shows how to use Sentinet Management SOAP API for Sentinet automation. |
Azure | Sample ARM template and parameters files for Sentinet automated deployments in Microsoft Azure platform. |
Caching | Sample C# project that shows how to implement and configure custom caching with Sentinet. Third-party Redis caching is used for this sample. |
CustomAccessRuleExpression | Sample C# project that shows how to implement custom Access Rule Expression extensibility component. |
CustomAlertHandler | Sample C# project that shows how to implement custom Alert handler extensibility component. |
CustomErrorHandler | Sample C# project that shows how to implement custom Error Handler component. |
CustomMessagePipelineComponent | Sample C# project that shows how to implement custom Message processing Pipeline extensibility component. |
CustomMonitoringFilter | Sample C# project that shows how to implement custom Monitoring Filter component. |
CustomRouter | Sample C# project that shows how to implement custom message Router extensibility component. |
CustomTask | Sample C# project that shows how to implement custom Task for Sentinet Windows Agent service. |
Installation | Folder with PowerShell scripts and configuration files for Sentinet automated deployments on Windows machine(s) and in Windows Server Docker container(s). |
OpenAPI | Sample C# project that shows how to use Sentinet Management RESTful API for Sentinet automation. The project contains stand-alone Swagger file for Sentinet Management API. |
PowerBI-Desktop | Folder with sample Microsoft Power BI Desktop report files, which demonstrate how to use Sentinet Management API to build Power BI reports. |
SampleServices | Source codes and compiled executable of the C# project with a Windows Form application that provides self-hosted REST APIs and SOAP services. These services can be used as testing physical APIs to quickly exercise various Sentinet features. |
SearchEndpoints | Sample C# project that shows how to use Sentinet Management SOAP API to search Sentinet Repository for services and endpoints (see Sentinet User Guide for code snippets that demonstrate how to use Sentinet RESTfull Management API for the same task). |
Please refer to Sentinet User Guide and readme.txt files for detailed description of the Sentinet samples.